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3 posters

    Relaxation (M Rating)

    Morithar Alaris
    Morithar Alaris

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : No u
    Discord Tag : Malyaska#2258

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Morithar Alaris Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:47 am

    The night air was cool and it made the perfect contrast against the heat of the hot springs as Morithar lowered himself into the water. Steam rose about him as he leaned back against the edge, arms resting upon it as he looked up at the stars that were forming in the obsidian sky. The hot spring he had found was off the beaten path a ways and was secluded, of course that also meant he had to provide his own light when he came here to relax after training. He had long ago installed hooks into the stone walls that held lanterns. He had them alight now and it provided plenty of illumination to see as he relaxed. As one might expect within a hot springs he wore no clothing, in fact one could find them neatly folded on a stone near the pathway up to this spring. His white hair hung down to his chin, but he didn't have issues with it falling into his face and he sighed in relaxed contentment as he let the soothing waters of the spring ease away the aches and pains of hard training.

    He had been at it most of the day and he'd been looking forward to coming up here tonight. He made it a habit to come to this spring once a week. So far as he knew it was totally secluded and no one even knew where it was. It was a perfect little getaway to escape from the noise and lights of a village. His bright blue eyes were closed as he leaned his head against the stone and let the calming sensation run through him. When standing he would be 6'2 and he had a solid and sturdy build, nothing extravagant for a shinobi but sturdy enough to get the job done. His shoulders were broad and he had a decent amount of muscle on him. His mind was far and above his sharpest muscle though. Hell, the rest didn't even come close. Still, he was exhausted from training so hard. So much so that he actually forewent putting up the usual genjutsu he used to hide this place while he was here. He came here for privacy and calm, and being disturbed by others was not conducive to that end. Still, he doubted forgetting the genjutsu this once would be that big of a deal. It was the middle of the night, who in the hell would be out and about here in the middle of the night?

    Last edited by Morithar Alaris on Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added M Rating)

    Village : N/A
    Rank : Genin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Mango Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:29 pm

    Steam was pleasant in a way she couldn’t quite describe. It was better than the dry heat that saturated through this land, at the very least. Maybe that was what made her grow fond of it. Having lived in the Land of Earth her entire life, and inland at that, true humidity was something entirely foreign to her. The sort of swamps, mosquitoes, miserable days - Instead this wet heat was associated with hot springs and a reprieve from the constant sirocco that seemed to blow in across the land. Anywhere she could escape the dust was pleasant enough. When the harshness of the day retreated to the bitter sting of night, under the hot springs while watching the stars, it became easy to forget where you were.

    The problem with this all was finding the hotspring. Volcanic springs were practically a tourist attraction here - Although no tourist would ever come visit these areas. It was more the nobles that ended up monopolizing it all, coming up to the mountains from their cushy little country villas. That and the city folk. All the onsen that she had fond memories of as a child were now overcrowded, the sort of places you couldn’t help but bump elbows with strangers in. It was the sort of congestion reminiscent of a wonderfully awful cold, and Mango wasn’t the type willing to suffer an overflow of day-trippers trotting around like they owned the place.

    Not when there were plenty of locations off the beaten path she could get some privacy for herself.

    Enter Mango - The exact sort of girl to climb an active volcano in the dead of night on a whim. Although, ‘active’ was maybe too strong of a word to be using here. The meager bubbling that Mount Usu produced these days was more akin to a bottle of pop than anything else. A half-flat bottle at that. The path was more than familiar enough to her that she could traverse it with ease, even with only the dim illumination of the stars. Like the back of her hand. So familiar, infact, that the installed lanterns ended up being passed by her gaze, failing to notice them completely.

    In a similar blissful ignorance to the finer details of her surroundings, the woman would strip herself down without a worry. Her clothing would be thrown into a decidedly not-neat pile over by the side right before the spring itself, and unhesitatingly she would slip into the waters. Descending down until the blissfully warm waters reached her neck, Mango would let out a slight yawn and allowed her amber eyes to half-glaze over.

    Despite being somewhat tall for a woman she came nowhere close to Morithar’s height - Being a meager 5’5” in comparison. Without any clothing on, the fair amount of muscle and toned definition of her build easily exposed her life of training and manual labor, starting long before she had officially started to become a shinobi. Despite how massive he was, somehow she managed to not notice him at first, something supremely suspendus considering that she was trained as a shinobi and the absolute size of this lad.
    Morithar Alaris
    Morithar Alaris

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : No u
    Discord Tag : Malyaska#2258

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Morithar Alaris Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:50 pm

    Did he say he came out here for privacy? Did he figure forgetting the genjutsu just this once wouldn't hurt? Hahaha, silly Morithar. So when he leaned back against the  rocks in the hot spring, the heat of the water making vaporous steam rise and swirl around him and potentially obscuring him from vision for the woman who just came up to the pool. Granted she probably should have noticed the lanterns...and his clothes..and perhaps even then him. Such was not the case however as she strode up thinking she was alone and promptly proceeded to strip naked before settling into the hot spring. He tried to close his eyes.


    Orange hair was certainly a new one, but her body was strong and firm, while retaining more than a hint of it's feminine qualities. As such it would be no surprise when he found it difficult to remove his eyes from her as she strode into the pool and sat down up to her neck. To his knowledge, she still hadn't even noticed his presence. Perhaps he should fix that? First perhaps he should fix it so that no one else would wander in. But he should speak up first, it was entirely possible she thought she was alone and in fact wanted to be. Taking that thought in mind he would speak, calmly, and quietly. He was annoyed though. Part of the reason he wanted to be alone were the multitude of stitches that was on his body. Normally his clothing hid them, as well as the masks he had upon his back. However all of his clothing was on the rock at the top of the path to this pool, about five paces away. To make matters worse, because of his height, a full nine inches taller than the orange haired woman, he wouldn't find as easy of a time going down to his neck in the pool. That meant his stitches would be visible.

    Sighing, audibly, in resignation he would speak finally. "I knew I should've put the genjutsu up to make finding the path here impossible. Good evening miss." He would say simply, looking back toward her and meeting her mango coloured eyes. "While I don't mind if you stay, I am going to put up a genjutsu now to ensure no one else wanders over. They won't be able to find the path or even hear anything up here." He would say before simply forming chakra without the seals and putting such an illusion up. His control over genjutsu was astounding to many, and his ability to do them without seals was quite helpful at times. He would form the genjutsu without taking his eye off of her before speaking again. "Now that that's done, I'm Morithar. Now while I certainly didn't mind the show you gave coming up here and stripping I do have to point out that you need to be more wary of your surroundings in the future. I could be a killer after all." He would say, truth to tell he was, just not of Iwagakure citizens, or pretty young woman.

    He was fairly well known in the village now, a genjutsu prodigy and a user of all five basic elements. He had quite a capable reputation already. It wasn't impossible for her to recognize him if she was inclined to listen to the rumor mill or simply have heard of him. Although he wouldn't be hurt or surprised if she hadn't. He didn't recognize her on sight, was she a civilian? Doubtful given her body, she'd had to have training and most civilian women didn't go through that. A genin then, more than likely, given her utter lack of awareness to his surroundings. He was well within his right to call her to task for such an oversight. He might even have done it normally, if he wasn't nervous as hell internally because of his stitches, and at being surprised being alone in a hot spring by a naked woman of all things. All in all, he himself had screwed up in that regard although since she hadn't noticed him. She would not be able to notice his surprise, meaning he himself was safe from reproach. Although he couldn't be too hard on her due to it.

    Finally taking his eyes off her, he would turn his head upward and back to the view of the stars. A glint of metal would shine at his neck, his mothers pendant. The only thing he hadn't taken off, glinted in the light of the full moon and the lanterns. The stars were visible though the cloudy haze of steam and it made for a beautiful evening. "Absolutely beautiful tonight isn't it?" He would ask, for the moment forgetting his nerves about his own physical appearance and enjoying the wondrous view of the night sky above them.

    Village : N/A
    Rank : Genin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Mango Sun Feb 28, 2021 10:00 pm

    It was one of those situations where you couldn’t see what was clearly in front of you, despite it being clearly in front of you. Like staring into the refrigerator and being unable to find the bottle of mustard. That was this situation right now, with Mango resting down comfortably in the hot springs, her eyes clearly open, and yet just somehow not noticing the naked man in front of her. Whether it was some critical failure of perception or she was just always like this was unknown, but the moment would last precisely until Morithar spoke up. How long would it have gone on for if he had said nothing? The world will never know now.

    A-...” She thought it was some trick of the night at first, an animal making some noise. But the words were clearly words, even if in her shocked and confused state she didn’t comprehend any of them. Only when her eyes finally found the man that was speaking did her half-formed scream actually manage to release from her throat. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    She jumped - Although she had been resting in the water so really all she did was splash around like a fish and make a big mess. Pressing herself back against the far edge of the pool, she would flatten herself as much as she could in her temporary fear. Until her mind caught up with the situation and realized this guy was just siting there calmly talking and wasn’t trying to murder her like a serial killer or something. Her heart stabilized a bit. Why had she thought that  she was in a horror movie for a second? Clearly she needed to lay off all those scary movies and thriller books…

    Jeeeeesus, you nearly scared the shit out of me!” Once she collected what little whits she had, Mango would finally start a dialogue, or something resembling one. “Hey! What’s the big idea anyway!? Sneaking up on me while I’m in the bath, I thought you were gonna hack me in with a machete or something! Where’d such a big guy like you even come from, sneaking around like you’re a mouse? Huh?

    As if she were perceiving things in reverse, all the words that Morithar had said would finally kick in to her brainstem. Realization dawned on her for a second.

    Y-Yeah! That’s what I was worried about! You could be a killer! Who gave you permission to be so huge and scary looking anyway, you should need a licence for that - Hey! You totally still could be a killer. How do I know you aren’t, huh?

    In all her dramatic fuss she hadn’t really made any effort to cover herself. Mixed gender bath houses weren’t that uncommon. So the ‘You dumb pervert!’ trope would be avoided for now.

    ... But, it is a nice night, I guess.

    She would admit that part at least, much quieter than all the rest.
    Maple Kaneko
    Maple Kaneko

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Maple Kaneko Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:54 pm


    Maple lurked like a bottom feeder, lungs at empty capacity to help her sink to the pool's floor. She had been enjoying bath time for far too long. It was almost two whole hours she soaked in the waters, but what could she say? Shared bath springs were paradise. Cold drinks, food, and tons of company. It was hard to tell the time when splish splashing. For the past twenty minutes Maple was submerged testing her superhuman lung capacity. It was truly amazing how the average human could barely last a minute. Training the spirit and body allowed the ninja to preform superhuman stunts, one being an extended lung capacity. What Maple did with it was merely jolt from one end of the pool to the other. She'd bend her legs deep like a frog against the wall of the pool before springing off with a powerful kick. This would be enough to propel her across the water and to the other end where she would repeat the same function over and over again.

    It was sorta relaxing feeling the water run through her body in an almost cruise-like control. It required little overall muscle to propel her lightweight frame like she did, which was another benefit. But eventually she got bored and had a desire to breath once again. Maple decided to ascend the murky mineral pool to resurface. Kicking off the pool wall for the last time she did so at a slight angle to help her resurface. Of course this also meant she would be at the same level most patrons floated at.

    The woman's eyes were closed giving her no real sense of direction. Despite her hardy constitution she disliked stuff being in her eyes, from random debris to even water. It was a bad habit of hers always being known to flinch, which was ironic seeing how she would sacrifice her body to harm in order to avoid a mere visual distraction. It was a reason why Maple never really honed her perception like all other Jounin. She simply couldn't stay focused long enough in combat to train her tracking abilities.

    However unlike the previous encounters she would perhaps meet her doom with this one. Eyes sealed shut she lunged, face expecting to break from the water and get a face full of fresh air. Instead she planted face-first into something plush and squishy. The feeling was all too familiar in her experiences— the two patties and a crack down the middle. The impact would likely budge Mango, though not entirely overpower her. Maple immediately started to swim vertically just a little more until she made her goal. A large gasp came from the young woman as she relished the crisp spring air. It was crisp to her, after all. Though her eyes remained shut until she got the opportunity to bring her hands up, shake them semi-dry, and rub her eyes to remove any water that hadn't rolled off her body already.

    She was a mere inch behind an orange haired head, certainly female which was something Maple could immediately tell by the volume and definition of her buns. There was a guy there, too. Boy, the springs really did reduce in size given the last thirty minutes. "Oh wow! So many people left since I last resurfaced. Is your butt really that big? I thought something was going to eat me." Maple spoke clearly to Mango, not exactly acknowledging the only male in the hot springs just yet. She wanted to try and offset any negative feelings with a bit of humor first.
    Morithar Alaris
    Morithar Alaris

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : No u
    Discord Tag : Malyaska#2258

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Morithar Alaris Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:00 am

    When he spoke he startled, who would've ever expected that? Him, startle the woman who didn't seem to know he was there in anyway. Still, her words did cause him to chuckle as he layed out the genjutsu he had spoken of. It would prevent others from coming near. Really all it did was make people think there was nothing worthwhile up the path that led here. The power of a suggestion was a simple, but powerful tool if one could utilize it properly. It would of course also prevent anything they said or did from being heard from the path or beyond.  One couldn't think there was nothing interesting in a place if one heard things from there now could you? When she finally finished her scream a white eyebrow would raise. "Me? Sneak up on you? I was literally just sitting here when you came in, stripped in front of me, and got in without seeming to notice. Don't blame me if you're simply unobservant, you're very pretty by the way. I couldn't help but notice since so far as I was concerned this random orange haired girl came into the spring and took off her clothes. You even threw them near mine. See?" He would say, gesturing with a hand toward his own neatly folded pile. Of course the act of gesturing would reveal the line of stitches around his arm and he would quickly drop it back into the water.

    She did of course mention his height, and apparently he was scary looking. She thought that required a license? Clearly she was simply talking nonsense because of her startlement. Trying to keep him on the defensive. How did she know he wasn't a killer? He looked up at the gorgeous night sky as he contemplated his answers to her. "I believe that headband we got both gives me the right to be as scary as I need to be in order to be effective, and to be a killer. But I wouldn't kill a fellow Iwagakure shinobi. I'm just here to enjoy the hot springs and relax. I've had a taxing few days and felt this would be a good way to relieve some stress. Simple as that. Usually when I find a secluded spring I lay out a genjutsu or two to suggest to people that they don't want to go there and to mute whatever noise comes from it. That allows me to relax and move about without worrying about the splashing around drawing people anyway, and to relax in relative solitude. Of course the one day I forget you sho-" He would be saying before he would see a sudden shifting in the water beneath the orangette. A moment later a purple haired woman would rise out of the water. A thing that prompted the white haired man to blink a few times in bewilderment. He had been here for about ten minutes and he had seen, hear, or felt no sign of the woman. "What the hell?" He would say simply, tilting his head to the side as he listened to the woman before blinking in surprise once more. That was certainly not what he had expected to hear her say.

    Still, being as intelligent as he was did come with advantages. You were seldom surprised and when you were it didn't last long. A small sigh would escape his lips now apparently he wasn't going to get his solitude, but that was alright. Perhaps instead some good conversation would be possible and they could all relax that way. He wasn't about to tell them to leave. While the spring was secluded it was public and they had every right to be here. So he raised a curious eyebrow at the newly arrived...was she newly arrived if she were here the entire time? Woman and spoke simply. "Good Evening, I'm Morithar. I can say when I saw it before her butt was of respectable size."  He would say, not really considering any implications in what he was saying. He was referring to when she stripped of course, but the woman couldn't know that and he hadn't considered it.

    Village : N/A
    Rank : Genin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Mango Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:06 pm

    Right into her ass. Right into her ass! She had been sitting down in the hot springs, minding her own business, when some high speed projectile collided right with her ass! It came from behind. Had that impact come from the front it would have been an entirely different matter, but with the force of the impact she would be scooted forward a few inches along the rock. That wasn’t counting how she would jump immediately afterwards in shock. It wasn’t as if she were in pain or injured in any way, but it did hurt! Plus… The surprise combined with the impact released a little something in her. While ‘passing gas out of fear’ wasn’t something she had ever thought herself capable of before there was apparently a first for everything. Even underwater Maple would get blasted in the face at point blank, while her nose and cheeks were at their deepest point of impact between Mango’s plump and cushiony buttocks. Normally it would be bubbles, but here it was basically skin to asshole contact, and so the sheer proximity resulted in the blast of methane gas to be distributed in a more intimate matter than mere bubbles. From Morithar’s perspective it would be entirely impossible to notice that Mango had just passed gas because of it from just the environmental stimuli. There were no traces, no witnesses, just the after effects of what had happened.

    Mango screamed as she jumped and flailed a bit in the water, momentarily falling down beneath the surface as she struggled to regain her balance. Both of the women would then resurface at the same time, Mango’s hair now soaking wet and dripping when it previously had been dry, an utterly bewildered expression on her face.

    What the fuck—” She was about to transition into a long chain of swearing and curses until cut off by the sheer audacity of Maple’s remarks. Damn. Mango was left literally speechless for a few moments.

    You thought my ass was going to eat you? Wh-... That’s damn right I have a big butt! And don’t you forget it!” She would begin angrily yelling, suddenly passionate about the size of her rear end. Maybe it was something she took pride in? “Nobody in all of Iwagakure can compare! Not that… Not that I’ve been checking, or anything.” The implication that she had accidentally made that she was checking out every ass in the village to compare with her own caught up on her for a second, and she would adopt a rather troubled expression now. Of course it was true, but she hadn’t meant to imply it.

    Anyway!” She took a moment to clear the air, changing subjects.

    My name is Mango, and you’re both terrible perverts!” Her arms would cross over her chest, harrumphing. “Don’t you know anything about onset etiquette!? You’re supposed to shower before you get in and bring a towel with you. Did either of you two think to do that? No!” She was both making an awful lot of assumptions here and conveniently glossing over the fact that she hadn’t done either of those two things either. “Plus… Being so rowdy! It’s completely and totally impolite to be so outrageously loud in an onsen!

    And tattoos are banned! That means you, big boy.” She would send Morithar the side eye, looking specifically at those stitches that covered his body. It seemed that she was completely misunderstanding the nature of why he looked like that.
    Maple Kaneko
    Maple Kaneko

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Maple Kaneko Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:20 pm

    If swimming in the dark for half an hour wasn't terrifying enough she later met her match when faced against what she would initially describe as a giant pile of bubblegum. But this was not a sentient mass as internal grumbles and quakes were hear before it projected its defense mechanism, something Mango had at the ready to fire against any intruders. The effects would electrify Maple immediately like a shot of adrenalin. As her body craved oxygen the first thing her lungs were forced to work with after so long was a cocktail of several gases. They were naturally odorless except when stewing in a powerful engine for a prolonged period of time.

    it was just foul. There were no other words Maple could describe it as, parring with the horrid stench of burned flesh or a rotting carcass. The stringent gas was initially forced into her nostril, but quickly as a reflex, exhaled out with what air was left in the woman's lungs. This produced a large amount of bubbles from behind Mango while also forcing some of the air back inside Mango's ass where it belonged and should stay for eternity. Maple panicked as she resurfaced being much more thankful than she initially would have. As fresh air flowed into her lungs and back into her bloodstream she was cured just after a few gasps.

    Maple's labored breathing in the background continued as Mango ranted about several things, though focusing on grilling Morithar and Maple together, the man having done something wrong apparently by having tattoos. The rancid fumes were cleared from her lungs by this point. It's not that it hurt, but the power Mango was capable of was something that could easily bypass her unnaturally hard durability. Being one of the toughest things in existence did not come without drawback; Maple was easily susceptible to psychological damage and scarring. Maple held her beating heart with both hands over her chest like she barely escaped with her life while passively hearing the woman's flagrant assumptions and victimization of herself, labeling Morithar and Maple as predators.

    She glared with a defeated look, particularly at Mango as she paid little to no direct attention to either of them as she appeared to be pouting. She sulked in the water giving Mango the stink-eye. But the rage boiled over and it was too late. Maple initiated attack mode. Sinking down to her nose she swam silently over to Mango's flank like a shark stalking its prey. When she was within arm's length, she sprung from the water causing an uproar of splashing and waves. Both arms would hook from under Mango's armpits as Maple attempted to lock her hands together behind the woman's neck to execute a full-nelson grapple. She would be sure to get uncomfortably close to prevent any leverage, viscously squeezing her bosom against Mango's upper back and sandwiching Mango's between her forearms.

    If she succeeded the grapple Maple would lean back with all of her might "You're a heavy little sack of potatoes, aren't you?!" Was her first comment given the woman's compact frame. But with her willpower and strength Maple aimed to take advantage of her slightly taller frame to essentially carry her and expose her legs out of the waters. Though, given their similar heights, Maple was leaning back fairly intense and Mango was using the brunette's body like a table. But it was worth the humiliation and helplessness that would follow. "How's this for etiquette? By the way, I don't recall farting as a polite greeting ESPECIALLY when someone is BEHIND YOU! You aren't the lady you are pretending to be! You're just a...a big, stinky, poopy girl!" She said in a final shout before tossing the woman to her side using her lats to drive the stinky Mango into the depths of the pool where hopefully her and all of her farts will remain forever. And with that great toss she'd pat her hands as a job well done, expecting the other woman to truly be defeated afterwards.
    Morithar Alaris
    Morithar Alaris

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : No u
    Discord Tag : Malyaska#2258

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Morithar Alaris Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:44 pm

    Multiple things happened all of a sudden and Morithar had to blink once or twice as his mind went through everything. First an orange haired girl as arrived, stripped down and climbed into the hot springs without even appearing to notice him. When he asked her spoke she proceeded to make baseless claims about him sneaking about, when he had in fact been sitting there out in the open. Then before things could progress much further a second woman, this one with purple hair, appeared behind her, and apparently impacted her rear end on the way up. Evidently, based on her words the orange haired girl had farted in the woman's face when impact was made and it was cause for anger. Which to that end Morithar could understand. However next the purple haired woman would proceed to grab for the orange haired woman, putting her in a full nelson before bending back, taking Mango's body out of the water. A flash of design would be seen, some kind of tattoo or something on the girls back as she was thrown. However Morithar would get an eye full of much more than that and he would place his head in his hand as he sighed when Maple tossed the orange haired to the side, also flashing him her chest when she let go of Mango before she could get below the water line, if she even tried.

    Throw in comments about tattoos, him being a killer, perfect, big butts, and he cannot lie, two very attractive women. If this progressed he further he would have to step in and he really didn't want to do that. Getting involved in a cat fight generally didn't end well for the man involved. However this was getting to be ridiculous. Morithar sighed again before turning his eyes toward Maple, trying to get her attention. "I didn't catch your name." He would say, trying to give Mango time to right herself in the hot spring. The imagine of her full body was still fresh in his mind and he didn't really want to address that at the moment. Regardless, he would try to gain the purple haired woman's attention for the moment. Although he did have some words for Mango when she had a few moments.

    When those few moments had passed, after Maple had the chance to introduce herself he would turn his eyes toward Mango before speaking. "You my orange haired friend have been very rude. You've made accusations at me since you arrived. You've accused me of sneaking around when I did no such thing, you accused me of being a killer, which while true is terribly hypocritical since by your very profession you are as well. You've been overly defensive and making wild claims the entire time since you arrived when were startled for which I apologize for, despite having no fault in it. Also, I have no tattoos, so I don't even now where that claim came from." He would say, his tone calm and neutral. It was speaking facts and little else. Hopefully his calm tone would help to tone down the situation.

    "Also I fail to see how anyone is a pervert here. This is a public, co-ed spring, if secluded, and you came up and stripped in front of me for sage's sake. I again feel like you're being overly defensive. Perhaps we should just calm down, we might find we'd enjoy the company more that way." He would say, standing to give himself more height. As if to talk from a place of authority. It was true too, he was a Jounin after all. Of course he utterly failed to recognize the fact that due to his height and the water level he would flash them in response. Toward the end of his statement he'd blink once or twice before looking down at the feeling of cold air, well, not cold, but certainly cooler than the water, before realizing his mistake and very quickly sitting back down. "My apologies." He would say before turning back to Maple. "So what were doing under the water for so long? I was here for a fair bit before our orange haired friend here arrived. For the record, once she did I placed a genjutsu around here so that when people heard any noise from up here they would simply ignore it and another to make them ignore the path when they see it. So, I suppose you could partially blame the smaller numbers on me." He would say honestly, before finally falling silent.

    Village : N/A
    Rank : Genin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Mango Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:36 pm

    She had been caught in her impassioned rant, throwing out complaints and side eyes to the two unexpected guests who had joined the hot springs with her. It was perhaps her mistake for expecting to get any privacy in this Sage forsaken land.  What she thought would be an escape from the annoyances of everyday life in the Land of Earth with some personal rest and relaxation time turned into an unexpected social event. So of course she was frustrated! Who wouldn’t be in a time like this?

    Mid-rant, not even being given the time to finish, that woman from before would hook her arms up around Mango from behind. When her eyes had been entirely on Morithar she would end up being caught entirely off guard, the absolute audacity of it being something she never would have expected. Maple’s stealth had been utterly successful at least, and in this sudden position there wasn’t much that Mango would be able to do to escape that strong hold. While Mango was still probably stronger and might have been able to break free from the hold using that strength she didn’t even really understand what was happening until it was far too late.

    A-Aah!? Hee-!

    She screamed as Maple leaned back suddenly, using all of her force to slam Mango back. It was true though, what Maple said.. Mango was rather dense for her size, considering just how much muscle she had. Although a certain bit of it wasn’t just explainable by muscle alone… Her fat ass for example, as has been previously referenced. But in her time of need that heavy bottom wouldn’t save her. She would end up slammed down into the waters head first, her legs and lower half being the only thing that was exposed. A series of aggressive bubbles would spew out as her head was put under the waterline, the continuation of what was surely a long string of swearing and screaming intermixed. With her legs spread mid-struggle, her most delicate and private bits would be on direct display to anyone who would dare to look, ass forward towards the crowd. It was clear then to see where all her weight came from.

    Of course, that position wouldn’t last. Luckily too, or else Mango would drown. Flailing about underwater, enough to cause a few waves, she would eventually bring the rest of her body down below the waves to self-correct and surface once more. But she wouldn’t surface. Not yet. Instead the woman would disappear below the waters, the bubbles that had previously marked her location disappearing entirely. It was as if she vanished. Having located Maple’s position from underwater, she moved quickly to get her revenge. All she had to do was silently position herself behind the other girl,and then…

    With her hands clasped tightly together into something resembling the Tiger seal, Mango would thrust those fingers of hers forward. All four of them together would be shoved right up Maple’s behind, pushing them between her buttocks and aiming to penetrate her ass in a surprise attack. This lunge attack was a classic prank of children, but kanchōing someone who wasn’t wearing any clothing, and so forcefully, would be a very different experience.

    You! Who are you calling a stinky, poopy girl! You’re the one who shoved your face in my ass! What happened after that wasn’t my fault at all! It's only natural that someone would fart after being surprised like that!” Morithar was in the middle of lecturing her in that calm tone, but Mango seemed more interested in other things. Namely revenge. Just this quick move of penetration wasn’t enough. What Maple did couldn’t stand. Maple had challenged Mango to the wrong game here, and that much would be readily apparent. For a girl she had rather muscular biceps, and wrestling was one of her specialties. Disposing any illusion of being a delicate lady, Mango would approach Maple with a devious grin, arms out with grasping hands.

    Lunging forward now that her fingers were pulled out of the other girl’s behind, Mango would thrust one arm forward in an attempt to get the girl in a standing side headlock, wrapping her right arm around Maple’s neck and forcing her tightly against Mango’s bosom. It would likely suffocate her into that flesh should it succeed.

    Now apologize! Or I won’t let go!

    Of course, while having Maple held like this she would end up face to face with Morithar when he was just standing up, giving himself more height. Still crouching down in the waters, she would be about eye level with his private, who was standing at attention. Mango would just stare for a moment, eyes blank and expression unreadable. Just for a moment, before her face would twist into a smug smirk.

    Nice cock, dude. But put that thing away, man. Weren’t you just saying that you weren’t a pervert? Come on, be honest. You’re a perverrttttttttt. Just admit it.” Apparently she had been listening to Morithar’s lecture despite being in the middle of grappling Maple, which she made clear by just referencing what he had said earlier.

    -0.5 One Thousand Years of Death
    -3 Arhat Fist
    Maple Kaneko
    Maple Kaneko

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : N/A

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Maple Kaneko Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:11 pm

    The Mango was rightly punished, having been exposed to the only man in the springs with them who more or less served as a background voice during the brief scrap. But as Mango's legs were up in the air, the stubby stumps wailing out of anger, Maple was finally at peace. "Oh! My name?" She said bashfully, unaware that she was not known at this point. She figured she was known one way or another by now, but ever so humble. She was absolutely tone deaf to the chubby orange haired girl who had just regained herself and slinked into stealth mode. She'd approach Maple's rear without disturbing the water around her making the Jounin completely unaware of what was about to come. "My name is Anzu Kaneko, but you can just call me MaaaAh!!!~" She screamed in a musical tone as Mango emerged, Maple lifted out of the waters practically kebabbed with a total of four fingers inside her butt. Mango would notice the entrance was relatively easy as Maple's body more or less made way to the stimuli as if it had done it countless times before.

    Oddly enough the orange haired woman would feel pulsations with her fingers inside Maple's bum, the woman showing sighs of embarrassment and anger in one blushed face of ecstasy. When she was flung forward she was tossed like a dirty towel to the edge of the spring where he body laid limp with her face down and ass up, motionless except for the occasion twitching of her thighs and the drool falling from her lips. There was nothing that could top the embarrassment she had just experienced. It appears Mango had topped that game, but the fight wasn't over. Not just yet. But before she could recover the juicy Mango was quick on her reprise as the limp body of Maple was pulled from the edge of the pool and back towards the deeper waters.

    Maple was locked in by the powerful grasp of Mango. A grasp so powerful that as much as she tried to push herself away to break free, the woman's muscles would just tighten leaving no room to try and work herself out. Worst of all she was the closest she was to the girl where Maple could detect even her more subtle details. Namely the very subtle scent of onion that was emitting from her skin. Maple didn't know how the smell was present there above all else. More often than not the smell of onions would be present on somebody's hands hands after just handing them. But her body was too far. Did she bathe in onions? Or maybe ate so many that they started to bleed out her pores. Despite her efforts being futile she continued to struggle, even after Mango demanded an apology to be set free. But Maple was far too stubborn to submit. Especially after Mango destroyed her ass. That would make her the sub, and she was definitely not that. Instead she chose to double down.

    "You're not just stinky! You're BIG too!" She shouted, though the muffling of the woman's bosom and the waters would make her hard to hear in any situation. To reverse the situation Maple instead wrapped her legs around the shorter woman locking them together before doing the same with her arms. Foolish little girl. She thought as the woman did the only thing she could. Maple opened her mouth, stuffed it with a heavy portion of boob, and bit down onto the right inside with as much biting force as she had. Given Mango's own durability it would not break the skin nor leave a nasty mark, but rather cause great discomfort and a clamping pain at the area of impact. Releasing her teeth from the woman's boob she turned her head assuming she was given a little leeway after the pain she would cause in order to speak out to Morithar for help. "Hurry and stick something up her butt before she reaches her final form! It's the only way we can make her stop!" Maple spoke out in desperation to get aid in her revenge for Mango before burying her face back into the oddly comfortable bosom.
    Morithar Alaris
    Morithar Alaris

    Village : Iwagakure
    Rank : Jounin
    Clan : No u
    Discord Tag : Malyaska#2258

    Relaxation (M Rating) Empty Re: Relaxation (M Rating)

    Post by Morithar Alaris Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:22 pm

    As the purple haired woman introduced herself Morithar would nod his head. She had seemed familiar. He had met her once before, at the gates of the village along with that dark haired woman named Akeno? Why couldn't Morithar seem to remember anymore details about that scenario? It was almost like it hadn't happened or something. Or like time was standing still in that particular part of his memory and making the memories of the event inaccessible. Either way he remembered who she was now and gave a small smile. Of course at this point the two women were basically wrestling each other and Mango was now a rather brash comment about him being a pervert because he accidentally flashed them. Raising an eyebrow he would look to the orange haired girl, with her boob in Maple's mouth as she wrestled for control before speaking. "Considering I was sitting here, minding my own business before you showed up and stripped in front of me like it was the best idea in the world I don't think you have any ground to stand on. Especially when you keep flashing me. Just because I become aroused at the sight of two beautiful women naked in a hot spring does not qualify me as a 'pervert'. It qualified me as an individual with a 'healthy sex drive.' You however kept your eyes on my..what word did you use?..'Cock' well after you noted it. Why is that? See something you like?" He would ask, a smirk now appearing on his features and his eyebrow still raised.

    Maple would call out something about 'sticking something in her butt quickly.' Which Morithar would dismiss before speaking. "One doesn't put things in each others orifices without permission Maple. You should know that." He would say before beginning to step forward. "Now, if Mango were to want me to, that would of course be a different storyyyYYY!!" He would begin to say as he walked toward them. At the last part however he would slip on the slick surface of the hot spring. While the springs were natural in formation in order to prevent accidental injury they had all been flattened out in the bottom. As such the bottoms of the pools were smooth to the touch and could be slick. Morithar of course, would step on suck a slick spot and begin to slide forward. As he attempted to catch himself with the other foot it too would slip and he would begin a spin. The white haired man spun once, gaining momentum in the process before what could only be described as the inevitable occurred.

    His aroused member, eight inches in length and of respectable thickness proceeded to impact Mango in the side of the face. One could consider the idea that if Maple had been at a decent enough angle, and her head more exposed instead of buried in Mango's chest, that she might have been struck. But of course that was not to be. The impact would send Morithar careening into the purplette however and he would presumably, knock her off the orange haired girl with his momentum and body weight. Regardless of if he took her with him or not the tall man would end up splashing heavily into the water and after a frantic momentum of reorientation would sit back up, his face more showing an expression beyond wry amusement. He was mortified at what had just occurred and he looked toward both women, an innate knowledge of how these things worked working in his mind. Now he would become the target of their combined efforts. "I'm so sorry, by the weave I didn't intend for that to happen!" He would say before standing to offer any assistance might be needed if any. Should the impact of phallic body parts and Mango's face occur it was entirely possible she would have a physical representation of part of said body part upon her face, mildly red from impact.

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